HNA Meeting Minutes for January 20, 2021

Minutes: HNA Regular Meeting; January 20, 2021

Call to Order: Hugh Bender

Treasurer’s Report:
Balance in Checking account is $4,200; Balance in Money Market account is $2,500

Parks Committee Report:
Texas Conservation Corp (TXCC) is scheduled to start work on February 22, 2021, with expected completion by March 12th of the repair and maintenance of the entire trail. We will be using STA-LOCK, a waxy epoxy-like material that hardens under pressure on grades higher than 5% for more stability and lower maintenance. Estimated cost approved in 2019 is $31,790.

In working with PARD and TXCC on this contract, the Parks Committee has laid the structure for an ongoing agreement with TXCC for long-term maintenance of the trail, which is the next step after the trail repair is completed. $100,000 has been committed from the HNA funds held at the Austin Parks Foundation for future payments on long-term maintenance.

Historic District Committee Report:
The district survey has been completed. There are 4 recommended historic districts in Hancock, yet to be announced.

Bylaws Special Committee Formed:
New special committee formed to review and make recommendations on HNA bylaws.

Introduction of new APD District Representative:
Will Harvey is the APD contact for the area that includes Hancock His contact information is:
Phone: 512-974-8123; Email:

Update on IH-35 Redesign Plans:
Introduction of Brendan Wittstruck (email: with the North Central I-35 Neighborhood Coalition, or NCINC2. It is a coalition of 11 neighborhood associations bordered by more than 3 miles of I-35, which includes Hancock. Information on their mission and TxDOT’s plans can be found at: .

Election of Officers for 2021
Running unopposed and voted in by consent:
President: Coan Dillahunty
Treasurer: Bruce Fairchild
Secretary: Robyn Ross
By vote:
Vice President: Bart Whatley
(Vote: Bart=67; Ella=51)