Special Meeting of the Hancock Neighborhood Association March 3, 2021

The City's schedule for the future of the Hancock golf course is still on track with a couple of key dates coming up: A survey from PARD about the golf course will be coming out soon and following the survey, PARD is expected to present their recommendation at the Parks board meeting on April 27th.

Following our HNA January 20th meeting where PARD presented on the golf course and answered questions, the HNA Executive Committee has decided to call a special community engagement meeting on the Hancock Golf course's future rather than waiting for our regularly scheduled HNA meeting on Wednesday, March 17th. The special meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 3rd, at 7 pm using Zoom (information below).

The meeting will start with a brief introduction from HNA and will be followed by presentations from both the Hancock Golf Course Conservancy and Hancock Conservancy. Each group will provide a short, 15-minute educational presentation that will include their vision for the Hancock golf course's future and supporting information on their initiatives. Following each presentation, there will be 15 minutes of Q and A for each group.

While members will be able to ask questions from the floor, please post your questions on the HNA Groups.IO email list. We'll share those questions with both groups in advance of the meeting so they'll be prepared to answer your questions.

This meeting is being conducted for informational purposes only and no resolutions or votes will be conducted at this meeting. We're looking forward to seeing you all at the meeting and are eager to see your questions!

Zoom Meeting Information:

Meeting ID: 926 0339 1788
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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 926 0339 1788