January 12, 2016 City of Austin Title 25 Amendment Notice Re. Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Regulations

This notice was mailed to Mark Harkrider on January 12 and received by him on January 13, 2016. For information on this ordinance amendment, go to: Http://www.austintexas.gov/event/neighborhood-stakeholder-meeting-2. The City Council will consider this and will hold a public hearing starting at 4:00 pm on January 28, 2016 at City Hall. There are two issues of concern brought up by some of the stakeholders: 1) the authority of the Director of Planning to amend a neighborhood plan based on a hardship claim, there is no definition of hardship in the amended ordinance; 2) the role of the Director of Planning to be the arbitrator if there is difference of opinion between the one who wants to amend the neighborhood plan and the Neighborhood Contact Team.

Submitted by Mary Sanger for Mark Harkrider