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September 21, 2011 HNA Membership Meeting The Hancock Neighborhood Association membership meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by President Wouter Habraken at the Hancock Recreation Center on Wednesday, September 21, 2011. About 15 members were in attendance Carolyn Palaima made a motion from the Parks Committee to include on the agenda the variance request at 3803 Duval. There were no objections. The motion carried unanimously. Officer reports: Treasurer - $9,976.60 in checking; savings $2,502.04; $1640.00 paid out for parking permits, same amount as collected President ­ The $1,000 approved by the membership to donate to Hancock Recreation Center has not yet been allocated, pending staff changes at the Center. There will be a meeting October 12 to discuss bylaws issues ­ The bylaws will be up for membership discussion and a vote at the next scheduled HNA meeting in November. Members on the listserv are asked to RSVP. The October 12 meeting will be at 7 pm at the Hancock Recreation Center unless attendance is too small, and meeting will then be at Habraken's house. Newsletter committee report: the committee met on September 11 and reviewed scheduling and deadlines. They discussed website and communications and the extent of newsletter committee involvement ­ Discussions with the membership committee will ensue in establishing a website with more interactivity ­ Rosemary Lehmberg, Travis County District Attorney, who is running for reelection, gave a presentation about crime and public safety. She said crime rates are down in Travis County, but there has been a spike in burglaries in the Central Austin area. The Austin Police Department has recentralized units to improve communication and pinpoint serial burglars. Lehmberg said this has had some positive effect. Chris Wilson from the Cherrywood neighborhood presented information on neighborhood crime and possible solutions. He made many recommendations, which will be noted in the October issue of the HNA Newsletter. The zoning committee met September 15. Bart Whatley, committee chair, presented the following report: 1. The Becker Garage Variance- Has not gone through the Board of Adjustment yet. Bart Whatley will contact owner and ask for an update. 2. 3208 Red River Rezoning/Plan Amendment 1. Discussed need to hear back from applicant/owner's agent on questions raised in City hosted neighborhood plan amendment meeting. 2. Safety is a primary concern. Discussed need for periodic safety audits by a third party.

3. Discussed that a bond could be requested from the owner for any private restrictive covenant between the owner and HNA. 4. Owner expects 3-6 tenants. Perhaps even just 1. Tenants will be upstart companies with solid financial backing. 5. Important to hear what adjacent neighbors think. Few adjacent neighbors have attended meetings on this item. 6. Propose November vote by the neighborhood on this item. 3. Perry Estate 1. Discussed permits and work that may have been undertaken without a permit. Discussed confusion on demolition. It appears that currently all permits are in order. 2. Process for a proposed special committee on zoning cases that have 6 or more immediately adjacent neighbors, as discussed at a previous HNA meetingDiscussed following city form, where 3 members within 200' (city petition distance) or 500' (city notification distance) would join members of the zoning committee to form a special committee in certain instances. 3. MOTION passed- To report back to the general membership with a recommendation to establish a special committee consisting of the zoning committee and up to three neighbors with property within 500 feet of the Perry Estate who are regular members and excluding members who have a conflict of interest. 4. 714 Harris Ave Demolition Permit 1. Neighbors have been discussing not opposing demolition of fire damaged structure if agreements can be made with the owner. WH to inquire with an adjacent neighbor for an update. 5. 3803 Duval- Discussed supporting Park Committee recommendation to membership No one from the Membership Committee was present, but a report was submitted to Habraken and presented to the membership announcing National Night Out activities October 4. Neighbors are urged to gather and discuss crime prevention in their respective neighborhoods. Carolyn Palaima, Parks Committee chair, made a motion to support the variance request at 3803 Duval adjacent to Huffstickler Green which would allow an adjustment in the impervious cover requirement so the property owners can adapt to a reduced parking area. Formerly, tenants at the property were using the city property now designated Huffstickler Green. The motion was seconded by Mike Hirsch and approved by acclamation Habraken read a motion by Hal Morris who was not present, to make the Historic Preservation Committee a standing committee. The motion was seconded and approved. Mark Burch pulled the agenda item on a vote to amend the bylaws, saying a delay was acceptable to him. A discussion ensued about the procedure for removing agenda items and the lack of opportunity to discuss bylaws amendments. Habraken said a bylaws discussion meeting will be held October 12 at the rec center at 7 pm. He said the meeting is for discussion only. Changes need to be voted

on at a general membership meeting. A vote on the recommendations will be taken at the next membership meeting in November. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.