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HNA Perry Special Committee 6-19-12 Meeting Notes Committee Member Attendees: Holly Noelke, Bruce Fairchild, Gay Ratliff, Cody Coe, Rafi Anuar, Linda Guerrero, Reed Henderson, Bart Whatley (notes author) AGENDA ITEM 1: Discussion and possible recommendation regarding a development proposal for the Perry Estate. 1. Clark Lyda, owner of the Perry Estate gave a presentation on a proposed development. a. Flood plain, heritage tree locations shown. b. Ross Chapin, and architect that has written about pocket neighborhoods has been engaged to design courtyard cluster bungalow housing for the site. c. Mansion to house meeting space and 5 lodging rooms upstairs. Public gatherings would be of no more than 350 persons including staff. Outdoor entertainment use would be needed for weddings outside. d. A rebuilt convent building (at the north side of the site along Red River) would house more meeting space and 10 more lodging rooms. A parking garage would be located underneath, below grade. 150 parking spaces would be provided on site for events. e. Commercial uses to be clumped to NE of site, formal gardens will be preserved, open space along the creek will be preserved. Service will come off of Red River and go to the convent building along Red River. f. West side of the property would have residential uses and an urban farm. Residential traffic flow within the property on the west side is not meant to mix with traffic coming off of Red River for commercial uses. g. 49 residential units were shown. Units on the west side of the property would be 1 to 2 story. Units in the center of the property where the Griffin School is now would be 3-4 stories. Build out was noted to yield a 0.27:1 FAR (floor to area ratio). h. A small area of parking adjacent to the urban farm was shown in the flood plain and further discussion with the city about this would likely need to take place. 2. Mr. Lyda will send project information and graphics shown at the meeting so that the information can be posted to the neighborhood website. 3. The neighborhood Perry Special Committee would like to meet with city staff and meet without the developer before meeting with the developer again.