Perry Committee Meeting Wed., Sep. 5th at 8pm

The next Perry Committee meeting will be Wed Sep 5th at 8pm in the Hancock Rec Center. The committee has elected to have meetings set for the first Wed and third Tuesday of the month at 8pm, and if it is found we don’t need to meet we can cancel meeting.
Sep 5 Agenda:

  1. 8:00pm- Review committee process- limited open communication on non-agenda items at beginning of meeting, neighbors may speak on agenda items but time limited. Take any input on a non-agenda item.
  2. 8:10- Review committee charge, neighborhood input/responses thus far, what committee has done to date, and how generally the zoning process works.
  3. 8:30- Review letter to developer to state committee position on engaging next round of discussions with developer.
  4. 8:45- Review current site development, what could exist without a zoning change, and how this compares with the proposed development. Discuss other similar venues for public gathering/weddings.
  5. 9:00- Discuss a process for gathering public input at the Sep/Oct general meeting. 
  6. Note- Any need for periodic closed sessions will be discussed at September general HNA meeting.
  7. Note- Next meeting to be in-depth discussion about the development proposal.
  8. 9:20- meeting adjourn

Perry Committee Members: Reed Henderson, Rafi Anuar, Bart Whatley, Carolyn Palaima, Holly Noelke, Bruce Fairchild, Gay Ratliff, Linda Guerrero, Cody Coe
Perry Committee Charge (from Jan 2012 HNA Meeting): The charge to the Committee is to negotiate with the Owner for the development and zoning of the Commodore Perry Estate. The Committee shall make recommendations for the satisfactory agreements and safeguards on land use, and shall address the concerns and requirements identified by HNA members. Final adoption of the plan will be voted on by the general membership at a future meeting. The ad hoc Committee will be dissolved the earlier of an affirmative vote on the plan by the general members of the HNA at a regular or special meeting or the third Wednesday of January 2013.

Language change to orig. charge motion carries.

Information about past meetings and the development proposal can be found on the neighborhood website.